Welcome! I am so glad you are here!

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10~

I can no longer be content living life the way I have, the way I have actually strived to in the past... to be safe, healthy, and comfortable. There is more to life than a cute house, organized closets, and a full schedule. It has been stirring in my soul for a while now. Bits and pieces have come here and there, but I knew there was more. Thus, "Something More than you and me..." has been born. There is nothing wrong with the above mentioned, but there is more... much more. I want to be aware of that daily and I want to bring my children up with that mentality, with that heart. There is a world out there that we are called to serve, to minister to, to see, to help, to love, to advocate for... and to change. For most of us, distraction keeps it from our minds. And that's what the enemy wants. This blog is a place where you can enter that world and where YOU can make a difference... where you can be the hands and feet of Christ.

Much, much love... Dawn

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today I am requesting that you think about sponsoring a child.  It can be $32 to $35 a month and literally changes a child's life.  That's the cost of one dinner out.  And that's one changed life.

When you sponsor a child, it not only changes their life but also affects their entire community.  You have the ability to affect an entire community in poverty, disease, and death... for simply the cost of a dinner out.

I try to leave these posts as simple as possible.  I don't want to rant and rave... rather simply jump start your heart!

Visit the website's on the side bar of this blog, World Vision, Compassion International, and Children's Hope Chest, for more information on how it works.

Can you imagine this child walking up to you in heaven and saying "Thank you"?  Can you imagine the Lord saying "Thank you"?  It's beautiful isn't it!?

1 comment:

  1. We've been involved with Compassion International for about a year now and it has LITERALLY changed our lives. You simply cannot outgive God. Bloess you for this post!
