Welcome! I am so glad you are here!

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10~

I can no longer be content living life the way I have, the way I have actually strived to in the past... to be safe, healthy, and comfortable. There is more to life than a cute house, organized closets, and a full schedule. It has been stirring in my soul for a while now. Bits and pieces have come here and there, but I knew there was more. Thus, "Something More than you and me..." has been born. There is nothing wrong with the above mentioned, but there is more... much more. I want to be aware of that daily and I want to bring my children up with that mentality, with that heart. There is a world out there that we are called to serve, to minister to, to see, to help, to love, to advocate for... and to change. For most of us, distraction keeps it from our minds. And that's what the enemy wants. This blog is a place where you can enter that world and where YOU can make a difference... where you can be the hands and feet of Christ.

Much, much love... Dawn

Friday, May 27, 2011

So Sad But So Good

It is simply sad that I have not written here in so very long.  Maintaining three blogs has proved to be somewhat difficult!  But I don't want to neglect this blog.  It is close to my heart.  But I include a lot of the same stuff on my personal blog.  So we'll see what becomes of this...

In the meantime, I am happy to announce here that we are hosting again!  An eight year old boy will be coming from Latvia to spend 5 weeks with us this summer.  Our prayer is to find a forever home for him while he is here.

If you would like more information on hosting... you can check out Project One Forty Three and New Horizons For Children.  Both have hosting programs twice a year.  They are amazing organizations.
One month of your life can change a child's forever... you should try it! :0)


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just a note

The girls are in camps this week.  B is in ballet camp and A is in "gymnastics" camp.  We picked this camp for A because she thinks she wants to be in gymnastics and we wanted to give it a shot and see if she likes it.  Well, let's just say, the "gymnastics" camp is not gymnastics... it's just a fun camp.

The camp is supposed to go from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.  When no one was even there to open it until 8:30 on the first day, and the kids still weren't doing anything at 8:45 a.m. when I left... I was not very impressed.  THEN I noticed everyone had lunch boxes.  We thought lunches were for the kids staying until 5 p.m.  We were then told the kids have lunch at 12:30 p.m.  I thought it was kinda tackey to be "paying" for A to eat a sacked lunch from home there... but tried to let it roll as B's camp ended at 12:30 p.m.  I thought I could just pick A up at 12:20 and then go get B.  When I returned at 12:15 in hopes of seeing her doing some gymnastics, they were in the back room WATCHING A MOVIE!  Needless to say, my mouth was hanging open.  They had started lunch at noon (not 12:30) and were watching a movie!  A had no lunch.  I spoke to the the owner and voiced my disappointment in the program.  I was offered my money back and A could just not come.  Well, A has been looking forward to camp all summer and so that was just not an option!

So I have tried to go with the flow.  I have tried to re-adjust my brain to just thinking that A is at a fun camp and that is all that matters.  I have my moments.  But A is having fun and so that is really all that matters.

I have decided to give the owner a note on the last day... a note card.  Instead of telling her how I think the camp was not presented in the proper way and how I think they just offered baby sitting services with LOTS OF FUN THINGS TO DO (which there are lots of fun things), I am just going to thank her for giving A a week of fun.  Hopefully, it will encourage and bless her.  And it will stretch me in my quest of "something more than you and me".


Monday, July 12, 2010


Please pray to the Lord concerning the public health system in Brazil, where the poor are particularly neglected.  Pray that the Lord would provide medicine and treatment they need.  (This prayer request is from the monthly prayer requests from World Vision for July 12, 2010.)

Lord God, you have called on your children to help the poor and oppressed.  Lord, you have called on us to lift them up in prayer.  It is through these very prayers that your power is released, your work is done, and you are glorified!  God, in your powerful name, move the minds and hearts of officials in Brazil who are involved with the public health system.  Give them eyes to see what is happening and what they are allowing.  Prick their hearts with compassion that moves them to make changes!  Send angels to minister to the neglected and fill their hearts with your love and hope.  Let them see your hand in this Lord and bring them into your kingdom.  Lord, release medical supplies that are being held up for various reasons.  Release them to be delivered to the people who need them.  Lord God, send doctors with your heart to go to Brazil and minister to these people in your Holy name and in your authority and bring them to you Lord!  We bind up curses on this country, Lord, and ask that evil spirits be driven out and cast from there in your Holy name.
You are the great healer Lord, shower the people there with your healing hand.  Let your light be seen and your love and healing spread like fire!  I praise you Lord, for being the Lord of Lord and the Father and creator of all... in your Holy name I lift this prayer to you.  Amen

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today I am requesting that you think about sponsoring a child.  It can be $32 to $35 a month and literally changes a child's life.  That's the cost of one dinner out.  And that's one changed life.

When you sponsor a child, it not only changes their life but also affects their entire community.  You have the ability to affect an entire community in poverty, disease, and death... for simply the cost of a dinner out.

I try to leave these posts as simple as possible.  I don't want to rant and rave... rather simply jump start your heart!

Visit the website's on the side bar of this blog, World Vision, Compassion International, and Children's Hope Chest, for more information on how it works.

Can you imagine this child walking up to you in heaven and saying "Thank you"?  Can you imagine the Lord saying "Thank you"?  It's beautiful isn't it!?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

One of the greatest gifts often overlooked... prayer.

"Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice."  Psalm 55:17

Going before the creator of the universe, on behalf of another, is one of the greatest gifts you can give.  It takes no money.  It takes no wrapping paper.  It can take only a moment... in any place... at any time.

The enemy wants us to forget... even ignore or down play the power of prayer.  Why?  There has to be a reason.  He doesn't waste time trying to hide something or dilute it unless it is of importance to the kingdom of God.  So the enemy bombards us with distraction.  It comes from every direction.  It comes at all hours of the day and night. Television, computer, activities, busy "ness", it all takes us away from time with the Lord.  He also whispers lies to us, trying to tell us we don't have time, or we can't do it right, or it won't matter, or someone else can take care of it.   This is why... and it's a very big reason... THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER.

"And whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in my name, I will do it."  John 14:13,14

"Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel was among those who called upon His name; They called upon the Lord, and He answered them." Psalm 99:6

"The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth."  Psalm 145:18

Don't let fear of not doing it right stop you from trying!  THAT is the goal of the enemy.  Prayer is intimate communication with the Father and of course the enemy doesn't want that.  Start with just talking to the Lord like you would a friend.  Tell him what you are feeling.  Your prayers will grow from there!  God blesses your time with Him and He will lead your prayers the more you are in His presence. 

Pray for your children's teachers.  Pray for your pastor.  Pray for your neighbors.  Pray for your spouse.  Pray for your family members.  Pray for your friends.  Pray for the leaders of your country.  Pray for the lost and hurting.  Pray for your enemies.

There is spiritual growth in an active prayer life!  There is communion with the Father in an active prayer life!  There is power through the Spirit in an active prayer life!  YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD.  KNOW IT, CLAIM IT, SHARE IT!

Much love to you... please pray today.
Hugs.  Dawn

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How cool is this?

I love that giving can be in so many more ways than just money.  Especially during hard economic times, people may still want to give and just not feel they can.  So Children's Hope Chest has this amazing program where you can purge items from your house, go online here, http://www.creativegivingsolutions.com/ , fill out a form online and THEY COME PICK IT UP!  They then liquidate it and all the money goes to Children's Hope Chest!  Now, it just doesn't get any simpler than that!

I didn't see clothing listed but they take ALOT of items.  They have it much more defined on the site but here are just some ideas: computer printers, vcr's, cameras, cell phones, clocks, radios, artwork, knick knacks, lamps, dishes, tools, and old CARS! (and much more)  How many of us have old cell phone lying around!  And a garage full of things that can go!

Get your kids involved.  Ask a couple of friends to purge and throw your stuff together.  It only takes a few minutes but has eternal affect!  That money provides food to an orphan.  It provides clean drinking water.  It provides hope.  It provides God's love.  It provides LIFE.  Do IT!  :0)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Waking Giants

My friend, Melanie, and her husband, Alex, are in Africa right now.  Read her blog entry here.

I simply can not add to that.
The Lord is mighty.  The Lord is Love.  The Lord is active.  We are His vessels.  We are to be living for Him.